August 23, 2011

My Hunt for Aqualite slippers

One evening my children returned home excited. They were happy that their school authority had finally agreed to let them wear slippers during the summer months. It was a relief because my children had been washing their stocking every evening after school. They were briefed that they had to wear aqualite slippers and the school authority would not compromise with any other brand.
My hunt for aqualite slippers began from day one. I started visiting every shoe store in the town in search of the said slippers. Some were too small while the others were too large for my children’s feet. Having visited all the shops within the border, I drove across the border in search of the slippers. Every shop I visit they said, “Aqualite nahin hey” without me having to ask them. It was not only me who was looking for the slippers but all the parents residing here. 

Sunday was the last day I had. I made another visit across the border hoping to get the slippers. When I returned home empty handed, I could see disheartened faces of my children. I consoled them saying that I would get them a pair each before their school time the following day but I was worried about keeping my words (I have never gone against my word). Evening approached and I could see many worried parents like me queuing in front of the shoe stores in the quest for the slippers without any success. I called a shopkeeper across the border late in the evening asking about the arrival of new stocks. It was pleasing to learn that the shop had received new stocks but I couldn’t go to collect the slippers since the Bhutanese commuters are not allowed across the border after six in the evening.
The following morning, I woke up early and finished my daily chores before I drove across the border to collect slippers for my children. It was a relief when I saw my children’s face beaming with pride when I passed on their slippers as they got ready for their school. Phew! What a morning I had! But I am glad that I was able to keep my words.