June 3, 2012

2nd June

I had planned a plantation program with the scouts and a fellow scout master to celebrate the Social Forestry day in collaboration with the Drungkhag administration and the scouts were very eager and looking forward for the day. After some wait, the day arrived and we put forward our proposal to the principal for approval. He consented to our proposal and we saw ourselves moving away from the school campus towards the temple near our school carrying the saplings that the scouts had carried from home on the day.

On arrival to the spot, I saw that the temple committee had failed to clear the area and we got to work, clearing the jungle before digging the pits for our plants. The bushes near the temple had grown taller than us and it took more energy and time than we had anticipated. The scorching sun did not deter our mission and the scouts worked tirelessly for about two hours to clear the jungle and dig the pits before planting the fruit trees.

After two hours when we finally sat down under the shade near the small shorten for refreshment (sponsored by the Drungkhag Administration), we smiled with pride on having contributed something in our own small way towards the community on the day.  It was a job well done and I decided to give myself a pat on my back. J

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