October 23, 2010

Cycling lesson

A few weeks ago, my daughter declared that she wanted to teach me cycling. I had no idea from where she got that idea but she said that she felt I had to learn cycling. (She is expert in cycling)
After much argument, she had her way and made me sit on the bicycle and I had to try very hard to balance myself on it. The first step and woosh… I was on the ground. My right knee was bleeding but she had no mercy. She came and pulled me on my feet and made me ride that bicycle again. She helped me balance myself on the bicycle and I had to sweat for another half an hour with the balancing lesson before I called off the day. My daughter seemed satisfied with my first lesson.
The lesson continued for some days and with each passing days, my cycling improved and the bruises became lesser. Now after a month of cycling lesson, I can see my daughter beaming with pride when I ride the bicycle. Thanks to my daughter, now I can ride a bicycle.

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